Like all you hipsters, I've moved over to wordpress, so head over there right now and click all over it like a million times so I'll stop feeling insecure.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I've moved!
Howdy patnah. I just wanted to say that this is the end of my in
My life on the Internets
I stumbled upon a guy named Kevin Lim and his blog just right now and he got me to thinking. He calls himself a social cyborg and without reading into it too much and seeing what his shtick really is (and why he has over a thousand readers and more than 700 followers [?? underlings/someone to make him PB&J sandwiches while he broadcasts his life on the internet??] ) I can see why he calls himself a social cyborg. He's experimenting upon the effects of having even more public switches that affect him in some way. Spreading himself out thin over things like Blogger, his very nice Wordpress site, and many other social networking sites is interesting because in essence he's getting social feedback (while also affecting people connected to him) on everything he does. He's pursuing a doctorate in communications in SUNY. (Ballin'!) Interestingly, the web already allows so many things in our life to be tracked. One example is my music graph I posted a while back showing a year's worth of my music taste. Another example is the practical applications since the introduction of Google Earth. One can readily see the potential of attaching rich information onto maps, but showing people news like the genocide in Darfur that immediately connects to them with live information of the destruction of villages on Google Earth maps is just plain powerful. It's like always citing the omniscient eye in your internal soliloquies but it actually existing.
Information like that is very relevant in my opinion, and I firmly believe that my ability to become even more self-aware with technology like this is reflective of how the most pressing problem our generation faces is the "Oh, shit f'real" moment we're all experiencing in seeing the real damage we've been doing to the Earth in our fleeting existence on this universe's massive timeline.

I mentioned that this got me to thinking. So to date, I have been on MySpace, Facebook,,, and I had a simple rule when I was to participate in the game of Life on the Internets: not to be fake. The scary parts of what the Internet (and it's promise of instant connectivity) is that what we see has even more potential to not be real. Cue in creepy virtual reality a la Minority Report or identity theft on the level of Ghost in the Shell. So I figure being real is the least I can do. (wink)
I will just mention a couple things that do tempt the devil of fakery:
- Untagging pictures: I admit I've done a couple, but keeping them on is actually good incentive to look better. (How superficial, huh? Hey, just keepin it real.) Work it out, people. This is also done for occupational reasons especially as the facebook generation drops the iPod for the Blackberry, but man, I just imagine profiles with that same damn smile on all 600 of their profile pictures. Not just ugly, but profane.
- Emo blog posts: Guilty. I just put this here because really, when you post an emo blog post, you're always over exaggerating. I don't care. It's true. (I'll try to follow my own advice in this hurr blog)
- Updating a status that doesn't warrant updating: I just think practically this only works on AIM and GChat nowadays. (I guess facebook, twitter, and whatever) Maybe I just think getting OCD over a status is just silly.
- Not blogging: Ultimately the most sinful, I believe the stifling of expression especially when we have been given this democratic environment, kills the soul. Let it out. Hug it out.
Ahh. That's better. I should also put up there posting unnecessary pictures but shit that's fun.
What's that I'm holding? The smallest violin.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New Stuff
Having new stuff makes me happy. Here's new music that's right up there with me. New look, new mind, new life. [POST EDIT] Goodness gracious does the Diverse track, Escape Earth make me all tingly inside! Be sure to check out the music video as well. [/POST EDIT]
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Fun Run

I decided to go on a bike ride today since I don't have a gym membership anymore. Where to, you ask? South. I rode all the way to Jack London Square on the trusty ol' Mach 5 and then after that didn't know what do cuz it was pretty much a downhill run so I decided to go round Lake Merritt for a while till I found a hill, which happened to be Grand Avenue. I just hoped it would lead back home somehow, and at least my pigeon sense of direction was telling me I was the man. Hard ass hill once I got back closer to Broadway, I was 'bout to roll backwards. Soooo according to Google Earth, I went about 11.35 miles. That means when I flex my biceps my environment bends a little (ala Keanu in The Matrix).
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Jarrett's Music History (since last year)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Me and Mr. Carolino
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Harold and Kumar (a.k.a. Jarrett and Chetan)

So before I even say anything about this hella baller movie, I'm just going to say that I didn't even like the first movie that much. The tangents were hella random, and the whole concept is that Harold had to stand up to white people to win the day. Whack. But this movie. Man. I knew I was going to have a good time while I was in line to buy the tickets. Me and Chetan (my Indian friend I knew from ex-roomie Christina) happened to run into his friends, and guess what, there it was another Indian and an Asian. It was like we should've just gotten back into the car with these guys and started our own adventure right then and there and pray to NPH for a cheetah to bring us back home. But nay, we shall see what Harold and Kumar would do first.
And that we did. I promise y'all this movie will have you cracking your sides. I honestly think I might have laughed more than I did for Knocked Up or Superbad (Separately, not combined, that would probably make you explode). Plus, the movie is deeper than it looks, methinks. Shit, I'll watch it again with you.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Glow in the Dark Tour

A space journey of epic proportions. I don't even now if there exists earthly vocabulary to describe the Kanye West experience. I think Kanye for sure read 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke because his sets broke sound/time/space boundaries as they traveled in and out of College Dropout, Late Registration, and Graduation. Such a wholesome concert, you'll feel renewed stepping back on Earth right after, guaranteed.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
On My Way

I just came back from presenting a proposal to streamline small package orders at Lonely Planet, and I feel electrified. The CFO, the managers of the Oakland branch, and the warehouse managers were there to see my slick-ass powerpoint, and they all liked it! I worked my ass off last night as I was talking to my professor while I edited the slides one by one, and I really feel like I accomplished something huge this past week. I implemented the design, supply chain, operations, and global optimization concepts I've learned thus far in IEOR so I really felt that what I was communicating to them is really what I am.
I mean I was in a full on suit today, but I kept my earrings on. It felt that I didn't have to change myself at all for this presentation, unlike the compromises I've made this year in this so-called "recruiting" process. It felt amazing.
What we have ahead of us now is just taking measurements and implementing the system. I think the business-oriented direction IEOR is taking me given the design, operations, and optimization classes I've took is really becoming clear. I see myself presenting another proposal to venture capitalists to get funding for an extreme project. It's really exciting. And just yesterday I made a life goal to have a business started by 35. (Be it a bar in the Bay, or a huge e-commerce success, hehe)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Office

I kinda like the concept of The Office. In conversation, The Office offers just crazy lines that can be applied to any situation. For example, "Diversity tomorrow, because today is almost over" can be used in almost everything I do in my life. "Laundry tomorrow, because today is almost over. Haircut tomorrow, because today is almost over. Go on a dragon quest tomorrow, because today is almost over." So many ways. I mean just see what you can come up with this quote.
Michael Scott: Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family.
But my point is that in conversation, The Office provides a way we can all talk about it for its humor. It gets brought up, and you find out other people watch it too. Or you decide to watch it because it's brought up. What it comes down to is that people can use the excuse of watching it for humor to gain access to the cool stories that these characters have. I mean I can't resist not paying attention to Jim and Pam's thing, Micheal's impression that good business requires just good charisma, and Office Olympics. And these two.

Dwight Schrute: A thirty year mortgage at Michael's age essentially means that he's buying a coffin. If I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls... so you couldn't hear the other dead people.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Be Easy

Be Easy
Pawn the E6 move swift but cunning
Keep my knights on flank and my bishops gunning
my B.L. Queens she hold me down lovely
the gravitational pull's too strong for you to budge me
It's a...Lyrical miracle pound for pound syllable for syllable I'm the unfuck-widdable
80% of my life I was subject to ridicule
But it was the fuel to help me to reach the pinnacle
This flow like snowman I'm abominable
This war has scarred me but the damage was minimal
Paid dues slaid crews did my share of dirt but never made news the God stay smooth
Made moves like Kasparov My sins like snakeskins
Homie I cast them off
Me the elite crew Crusher
The God-Fearin' zone rusher
Perform under pressure
Nobody's Fresher
The Soul-stepper
Swear, spit that while listening to Jay Electronica's "Be Easy" 2nd verse, you'll feel what Langston Hughes must've felt in the 1920s. Straight truth.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Business of Making Nice Things

I want to be in the business of making things that are useful to people. Of making things that change people's lives for the better, without losing sight of the past or of it's implications of the future. I want people to look at something I made, and say, "Wow, that's pretty." Or even, "Noiiiiiiccee."
Right now it looks like a hard hustle, but if it's not hard, I don't think I'll want to be there for too long. I'll get bored for sure. Industrial Design it is. I mean take a look at Daniel Love's things from Singapore. Makes me want to say, "Noiiiicceeee." Sides, apparently at IDEO they get to look at optical illusions all day and play with shopping carts.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Nostril Fire-Breath
I figure I'd fool with a picture and coin a word all on the same day. Even if it technically rolled over to the next day. Just for the record, I guess the magic works if I do make the first move, because the ladies never do. Evolutionary circumstances leave men with less to lose, because we get rejected the most. Our high rejection frequency relates to our short ass attention span, falling in love at a drop of a leaf. Ladies think long term, their biological clocks are in tune with the moon and the earth and thus have developed a sense of self, probably why the hellah hott girls my age are dating hella old dudes.
Another conspiracy to deal with. At least God proved to me that not even Tom Brady can beat Jesus.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Never Too Many Zombies
I watched Shaun of the Dead yesterday, and I appreciate whoever's at Comedy Central for the sense to give an average TV watcher a good serving of zombie. I just mean to say that Shaun of the Dead is a good movie to be reminded of the possible possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse. That facebook group I joined said it the best, the hardest part will be pretending I'm not excited.
Anyways, I thought that movie was just appropriate for TV because it presents everything zombies really bring to one's life in a humorous manner that can be ingested with commercials, snacks, and pee breaks in between. I mean when you watch a zombie movie, you gotta be ready for it. Like you get all tense, and your trigger finger gets all itchy and shit, all that jazz. But for Shaun of the Dead you don't got to worry about all that. The whole point of the movie is that you probably won't notice for a while, seeing that most people are already zombies right now. (
It's good to know that someone at Comedy Central got my back. Thanks for keeping me on my toes, Mr. Zombie Alert Committee Head Guy at Comedy Central. (Wouldn't that be the best job in the world??)
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Existence is Threatened
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