Sunday, January 13, 2008

Never Too Many Zombies

I watched Shaun of the Dead yesterday, and I appreciate whoever's at Comedy Central for the sense to give an average TV watcher a good serving of zombie. I just mean to say that Shaun of the Dead is a good movie to be reminded of the possible possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse. That facebook group I joined said it the best, the hardest part will be pretending I'm not excited.

Anyways, I thought that movie was just appropriate for TV because it presents everything zombies really bring to one's life in a humorous manner that can be ingested with commercials, snacks, and pee breaks in between. I mean when you watch a zombie movie, you gotta be ready for it. Like you get all tense, and your trigger finger gets all itchy and shit, all that jazz. But for Shaun of the Dead you don't got to worry about all that. The whole point of the movie is that you probably won't notice for a while, seeing that most people are already zombies right now. ( w00000000) You will have the time as the first wave gets through rigor mortis to pick out the records you don't want so you can fling 'em at said zombies' heads.

It's good to know that someone at Comedy Central got my back. Thanks for keeping me on my toes, Mr. Zombie Alert Committee Head Guy at Comedy Central. (Wouldn't that be the best job in the world??)

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Existence is Threatened

First post for the New Year, and I'm already 11 days behind.

Wish all the best for everyone this year. Big things are coming this year. Things in general.