Monday, February 18, 2008

The Business of Making Nice Things

I want to be in the business of making things that are useful to people. Of making things that change people's lives for the better, without losing sight of the past or of it's implications of the future. I want people to look at something I made, and say, "Wow, that's pretty." Or even, "Noiiiiiiccee."

Right now it looks like a hard hustle, but if it's not hard, I don't think I'll want to be there for too long. I'll get bored for sure. Industrial Design it is. I mean take a look at Daniel Love's things from Singapore. Makes me want to say, "Noiiiicceeee." Sides, apparently at IDEO they get to look at optical illusions all day and play with shopping carts.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Flipbook Vision

Nostril Fire-Breath

I figure I'd fool with a picture and coin a word all on the same day. Even if it technically rolled over to the next day. Just for the record, I guess the magic works if I do make the first move, because the ladies never do. Evolutionary circumstances leave men with less to lose, because we get rejected the most. Our high rejection frequency relates to our short ass attention span, falling in love at a drop of a leaf. Ladies think long term, their biological clocks are in tune with the moon and the earth and thus have developed a sense of self, probably why the hellah hott girls my age are dating hella old dudes.

Another conspiracy to deal with. At least God proved to me that not even Tom Brady can beat Jesus.