Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Harold and Kumar (a.k.a. Jarrett and Chetan)

So before I even say anything about this hella baller movie, I'm just going to say that I didn't even like the first movie that much. The tangents were hella random, and the whole concept is that Harold had to stand up to white people to win the day. Whack. But this movie. Man. I knew I was going to have a good time while I was in line to buy the tickets. Me and Chetan (my Indian friend I knew from ex-roomie Christina) happened to run into his friends, and guess what, there it was another Indian and an Asian. It was like we should've just gotten back into the car with these guys and started our own adventure right then and there and pray to NPH for a cheetah to bring us back home. But nay, we shall see what Harold and Kumar would do first.

And that we did. I promise y'all this movie will have you cracking your sides. I honestly think I might have laughed more than I did for Knocked Up or Superbad (Separately, not combined, that would probably make you explode). Plus, the movie is deeper than it looks, methinks. Shit, I'll watch it again with you.

Monday, April 28, 2008

One day I'll lock myself in a room

And this is what I'll use to keep myself in. While I watch TV with this remote.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Glow in the Dark Tour

A space journey of epic proportions. I don't even now if there exists earthly vocabulary to describe the Kanye West experience. I think Kanye for sure read 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke because his sets broke sound/time/space boundaries as they traveled in and out of College Dropout, Late Registration, and Graduation. Such a wholesome concert, you'll feel renewed stepping back on Earth right after, guaranteed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

On My Way

I just came back from presenting a proposal to streamline small package orders at Lonely Planet, and I feel electrified. The CFO, the managers of the Oakland branch, and the warehouse managers were there to see my slick-ass powerpoint, and they all liked it! I worked my ass off last night as I was talking to my professor while I edited the slides one by one, and I really feel like I accomplished something huge this past week. I implemented the design, supply chain, operations, and global optimization concepts I've learned thus far in IEOR so I really felt that what I was communicating to them is really what I am.

I mean I was in a full on suit today, but I kept my earrings on. It felt that I didn't have to change myself at all for this presentation, unlike the compromises I've made this year in this so-called "recruiting" process. It felt amazing.

What we have ahead of us now is just taking measurements and implementing the system. I think the business-oriented direction IEOR is taking me given the design, operations, and optimization classes I've took is really becoming clear. I see myself presenting another proposal to venture capitalists to get funding for an extreme project. It's really exciting. And just yesterday I made a life goal to have a business started by 35. (Be it a bar in the Bay, or a huge e-commerce success, hehe)