Thursday, July 06, 2006

"On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins

Do I need to remind myself of my intentions? My reasons? My justifications?

I’m reading a book that theorizes that the neocortex of our brain works on a unified algorithm to interpret what’s coming through our senses. By “interpret” I mean to call up memories that are attached to that stimulus to find the best plan of action. This plan of action doesn’t even have to involve action. That is what the author calls intelligence. Building enough memory to associate infinitely and creatively, and come up with “solutions.” He believes that computer science isn’t capable of that kind of intelligence. He proposes another plan in his book. I’m not there yet.

What is funny is how he mentions that there is not that much research going on about trying to figure out intelligence. What comes out in this field is as widespread and crazy as trying to figure out the solar system back in the day.

I feel like the block towards finding the answer is internal. People wanted to believe the Earth was the center of the universe. And now people want to believe that what goes on in our minds is magical, or at least special. The drama, our emotions, our unique thought processes, our habits, our cravings… our lives in general.

It will probably suck a lot to have that all reduced to a science. Or not. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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