Thursday, November 09, 2006

I apologize

Sorry for the stupid last post. It's stupid for two reasons:
  1. It was an attempt to portray an inexistent factor of cool by posting mildly esoteric pictures that aren't even mine.
  2. It was a lazy excuse for a blog entry that was supposed to evoke an accurate image of what is going on in my head at that moment.
So sorry. I'm hella stupid.

Anyways, I just wanna express my hate for this one bitch real quick. This Monday, there was this bitch walking my direction talking to another person (his/her bitch-ness has not been determined as of yet) saying that "This Friday is not a holiday. I would know. I WOULD KNOW!" Followed with an annoying ass laugh. I was tempted to believe her since her strong body language coupled with a deep, commanding voice that echoed against the walls of LeConte was more than enough evidence to make me believe that there was, indeed, classes on Friday.

Fuck that shit. I was supposed to start celebrating Tuesday. DAMMIT

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