Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Zombie Apocalypse

I've decided after watching I am Legend (other than putting the book it's based on on my winter reading list) that wherever I live in the future, it better have booby traps with bombs, a sequentially planned security system that isolates and eliminates intruders, a bomb shelter with 1 month's worth of preserved food complete with shotguns and grenades hidden in key locations, an escape jeep with said supplies and arsenal ready at an undisclosed location connected to my house through an underground tunnel starting from said bomb shelter, and finally, a female Dogo Argentino guard dog (a guard lion would be too independent to protect me from zombie dogs and other zombie domesticated animals). I'd also need all of the Shrek movies. And some o' them Pixar movies, too.

We all have to be ready for the zombie apocalypse.


Patrici said...

If you have all that, you better be immune to the Zombie disease, too. Otherwise you wasted all your bomb shelter money :(

Jarrett said...

True that.

I guess the fear's part of the fun when it comes to zombies.

Anonymous said...


Read "World War Z" by Max Brooks or "The Zombie Survival Guide," also by Max Brooks.

we need to strategize.