Monday, February 26, 2007

2 Things

  1. I love that feeling right before you stop super-stretching (it's normal stretching coupled with some grunts and moans).
  2. I like that feeling when you start to space out when you're reading something, cuz I like to then space out on how I spaced out in the first place. It's fun when you don't have to do anything urgent.

That is all.


Krizia said...

FINALLY! a post!

g-dam. as if the world was asking too much of you to just post one freakin' time. i'm not complaining. i'm happy :)

Anonymous said...

i love the feeling when you pwn a bunch of zombies with your katana because your uber-samurai skills are better than all the n00bs'.

Krizia said...

l33t. jarrett, uhh i used two pictures that i stole from your camera and did something on photoshop with them. so check it! hope you don't mind :)

Jaelyn said...