Friday, March 02, 2007

There's hope for me yet

This is really cool. So some background. My major is basically trying to make mathematical models for real-world events. Think of it as applied math for industries, economics, and apparently the entertainment and music industry as well. Whizza-wha? Yup, I said it, the New Yorker has a reporter that reports on certain entertainment industries that have figured out common characteristics of the general public's aesthetic tastes. And it's mathematical.

This video is pretty long, and the reporter is pretty quirky and wordy. If you bear with him, he does have a point, and it's pretty much what I've been looking for.

Ethics Question: Would you exploit information that will possibly get you crazy money because you can predict its future popularity? I think if you're smart enough to do that, you probably deserve it. Onwards, hooo!!

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