So the car obsession took a firm grip on my balls. I decided to lean towards the Japanese imports because, YEA my hair was spiky and I loved to shift needlessly hard on my automatic and I loved high gas mileage that I plan to eventually get rid of with excessive modifications that would fail to make my Sentra look any less of a Sentra. I also loved to lurk in car forums and would so sneakily stalk who I'd think are the gurus of this particular 'hood of car nerds. You'd think I was going to buy a car the next year with all the wealth of my prized 2 dollar bill (of which I seriously thought was an artifact that was going to blow up in value in any minute. Everybody knows 2 is better than 1!) I was doing so much research about most every Japanese car. I would have a list of what make and model I have decided on, a schedule spanning 5 years of what modifications I would do to it to match my budding driving skillz, and finally a list of aero parts with web addresses to the most obscure Japanese sites that I can't even read, but at least they have a "add to cart" link with an American flag next to it. (Noted...)
Inlinesixer was the username I used for the longest time. I decided that inline-six engines that reside cars like the BMW M3 and the Nissan GT-R where for some reason symbolic to me. Why six cylinders? I was so sick of doing research I decided Nissan and BMW just wanted to be different.
Why am I bringing this up? It's because recently my roommates downloaded Gunbound for every computer in the apartment and I was like "HEY."
Imma make a new username that will reflect that which is me to those (in Gunbound) who read it.
"JEEZ if we still win I'll buy you a hat"
"Samson_n_Delilah is a dum name..."
"NOOB yur ghey press READYYY"
Did I put much thought into this name? I'll tell you once I'm over it.

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