Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wowowee Wow

I think good products have good names that actually describe the product. Nike Free's are one of those products. My feet are definitely free.

Harold and Kumar is a great flick. It sucks though that the movie is basically a "coming of age" story of an Asian guy, through a night of unfortunate and fortunate events, finally grabbing life by the balls and sticking it to his white colleagues while doing the hot Spanish girl (Marrrrria, you gotta roll the r's, it's exotic) in the butt. Ok, not really, but that would've been tight. I mean, King Leonidas did it in in his movie, why can't Harold? Anyway, when did this movie come out? Is it only now that Asians are sticking it to the man? I guess I have some more rebelling to do. ("I will NOT be smarter than you anymore! Never again! Fight the power!")

Ferris Bueller's Day Off is genius. Nuff' said. (It was on in Bravo. It's the channel with the faint scent of yuppie.)

I'm cruisin'. I need to get a new bike already. It's nice that I have a place where I can store my obsessions when life gets a little crazy.

Props to Flickr user Olly C for the picture of DJ Yoda spinning to the aforementioned movie, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Amazing what you'd find after watching a movie, looking up the band "Simple Minds" because of a poster in a room in the movie, and reading about the writer of the movie in wikipedia, and then typing in "Ferris Bueller" in Flickr. NICE.

Oh, yea. Hell Hath No Fury is still a really good album.

This for the 100,000 dollar kitty German drivers
With big rims and low-pro tires
Fuckin' with college bitches with innocent looks like Mya
Corrupt they mind, turn 'em to liars
I groom 'em well

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